What We Do and Where We Are

In pursuit of our Mission to build greater understanding, support and appreciation of Canada’s military, the GCC has three fundamental tenets,  Support, Assist and Connect, that form the base for our efforts, activities and endeavours.

1. Enhance public and Community awareness of our military by familiarizing GCC members and guests with Canadian military affairs in our Region and beyond by –

• A regular monthly speaker program on military and other topics
• Visits to military units, locations and museums
• Special events such as VIP guest speakers
• Publication of a Newsletter and a Website showing GCC activities and information about the Canadian military, particularly in our Region.

2. Participate in and support commemorative events in our Region such as Remembrance Day, Veteran’s Day and other ceremonial occasions.

3. Participate in Community events that involve the Canadian military

1. A bursary programme for Primary Reserve personnel in tertiary education programs

2. On an individual case basis, make donations to organisations and causes that merit support (e.g.: The Military Family Resource Centre, assistance to a participant in the Wounded Warrior International Games, Secrets of Radar Museum in London)

1. Conduct events that allow civilians and military to meet.

2. Attendance at monthly meetings by military personnel.

3. Facilitate connections and networking between military and community persons in all venues of commerce. business, government and educational institutions.


The map below shows our location and the counties we serve