February 10, 2021 - GCC General Meeting
March 10, 2021 - GCC General Meeting
April 14, 2021 - GCC General Meeting
May 12, 2021 - GCC General Meeting
June 9, 2021 - GCC General Meeting (last one before Summer Break)
Summer Break, resume activities in September
September 8, 2021 - GCC General Meeting
October 13, 2021 - GCC General Meeting
November 10, 2021 - GCC General Meeting
January 12, 2022 - GCC General Meeting
February 9, 2022 - Annual General Meeting
March 9, 2022 - GCC General Meeting
April 13, 2022 - GCC General Meeting
May 11, 2022 - GCC General Meeting
September 14, 2022 - GCC General Meeting
October 12, 2022 - GCC General Meeting
November 9, 2022 - GCC General Meeting
January 11, 2023 - GCC General Meeting
February 8, 2023 - Annual General Meeting
March 8, 2023 - GCC General Meeting
April 12, 2023 - GCC General Meeting
May 10, 2023 - GCC General Meeting
June 14, 2023 - GCC General Meeting
September 13, 2023 - GCC General Meeting
October 11, 2023 - GCC General Meeting
November 8, 2023 - GCC General Meeting
January 10, 2024 - GCC General Meeting
February 14, 2024 - AGM General Meeting
March 13, 2024 - GCC General Meeting
April 10, 2024 - GCC General Meeting
May 8, 2024 - GCC General Meeting
June 12, 2024 - GCC General Meeting
September 11, 2024 - GCC General Meeting
October 9, 2024 - GCC General Meeting
November 13, 2024 - GCC General Meeting
January 8, 2025 - GCC General Meeting
February 10, 2021
Jean-François Joly, MBA
Regional Director of Incident Management (IM)
Canadian Coast Guard Central Region
Presentation dealt with Canadian Coast Guard's work in the Central Region.
March 10, 2021
Speaker: Lieutenant Andrew McLaughlin RCN
Lieutenant (Navy) Andrew McLaughlin is a military-media relations professional and a digital humanities practitioner. He serves as a Public Affairs Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces, and is a Research Associate at the Centre for Community Mapping in Waterloo, Ontario. His 2017 Ph.D. Dissertation, “The Media and American Battlefield Correspondence” explores the evolution of war reporting and military-press relations in the United States.

April 14, 2021
Speaker: Commander Norman Gautreau RCN
The Commanding Officer of HMCS Ville De Quebec presented an informative power point presentation including maps, charts and photos regarding the Royal Canadian Navy’s recent operations in the Arctic. This was a Zoom meeting and although Commander Gautreau was in Halifax, his presentation was very clear and crisp for our members and guests in London and area.
There were 52 people watching and listening to the presentation including some members of HMCS Prevost.
May 12, 2021
Morris Brause, LieutenantColonel (Retired)
Presents on as the facilitator for SW Ontario. Its mission is to engage all Canadian citizens and businesses in promoting mutual respect for military, our veterans, and their families.
June 9, 2021
Dr. V. McAlister
The Covid 19 Pandemic and Canada’s resolve to end chronic medication shortage.
Dr McAlister is a retired Professor from the Dept. of Surgery at LHSC. He has authored 160 publications. Dr. McAlister has served as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces and participated in 5 missions to Afghanistan, I mission to Iraq and 1 mission to Haiti. As a combat surgeon Dr. McAlister developed many lifesaving trauma protocols. He is Recipient of the John McCrae Memorial Ward for exemplary service (awarded only to clinical health services personnel). In addition, Dr McAlister was named an Officer of the Order of Canada by the Governor General of Canada.
September 8, 2021
Dr. Elizabeth Urbantke
Dr. Urbantke is currently the Regional Supervising Coroner for the West Region – London Office. Prior she was the Acting Medical Officer of Health at the Brant County Health Unit and led its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. A graduate of the University of Toronto, she completed her residency in Family Practice and Emergency Medicine at the University of British Columbia. Most recently she completed a Master of Public Health at the University of Waterloo. Prior to transition to Public Health, Dr. Urbantke practiced emergency medicine at Woodstock Hospital where she also was the Chief of Emergency. She has been an Investigating Coroner for over 17 years and has presided over numerous Inquests.
October 13, 2021
Dr. Saverio Stranges
Saverio Stranges is currently Professor and Chair of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics within the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, at Western University. Dr. Stranges is a medical doctor, public health specialist and chronic disease epidemiologist, with extensive experience in the field of epidemiology and public health research. Dr. Stranges’s research focuses on the epidemiology and prevention of chronic disease and aging, specifically regarding the role of lifestyles, nutritional and psychosocial factors, such as dietary patterns, sleep behaviors and social determinants of health. He is also interested in global health, especially in the area of cardio-metabolic disease in low-resource settings, as well as in interdisciplinary research. Over the years, Dr. Stranges has developed substantial expertise in the evaluation of observational and clinical trial data and secondary data analysis of large datasets.
November 10, 2021
Dr. Alex Souchen
Topic: "The Death and Life of War Machines: How Canadians Reduced, Reused, and Recycled Military Surplus after the Second World War."
Dr. Alex Souchen is the author of War Junk: Munitions Disposal and Postwar Reconstruction in Canada (UBC Press, 2020). His research mainly focuses on the Second World War, Canadian society, munitions production and disposal, and the history of waste and pollution. He received his PhD from the University of Western Ontario in 2016 and is currently a Humanities Instructor at Northern Lakes College and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Royal Military College of Canada. You can follow him on Twitter:
January 12, 2022
Jennifer Matthews
Jennifer Matthews is currently the CEO of Better Business Bureau Serving Western Ontario, located in London, Ontario. A graduate of the University of Waterloo (English Literature and Applied Studies), Jennifer spent 17 years establishing and growing a strong retail business in London before changing career paths to follow her passion for the arts. In 2019, she took on the role of Communications Manager at the Grand Theatre in London, until joining the BBB in July of 2021.
February 9, 2022
Andrew Rusk
Andrew is the co-founder of Not Left Behind, a national advocacy organization created in the summer of 2021 that successfully advocated for government action rescuing interpreters that supported Canada during the war in Afghanistan. His work and perspective has been featured on CBC The National, Global National, CTV National News, the Globe and Mail, the National Post, the Canadian Press, The Washington Post, and NPR, among others.
In addition to his work with Not Left Behind, Andrew is the co-founder of The Nichola Goddard Fund, Canada’s leading fund focused on servicewomen and female Veterans, which he created to honour his sister-in-law who in 2006 was killed in Afghanistan.
In addition to his work in advocacy and activism, Andrew is the Vice President of Marketing at Coast Capital, Canada’s largest credit union, and has led marketing for leading regional, national and global brands in New York, Toronto, and now Vancouver.
Andrew and his family live in part of the unceded territory, which is now also known as the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia.
March 9, 2022
Maj Cole McGregor
Regular Title: Deputy Commanding Officer, 429 Transport Squadron
Title during Op AEGIS: CC177 Detachment Commander, Operation AEGIS
Maj Cole McGregor is currently the Deputy Commanding Officer of 429 Transport Squadron at Canadian Forces Base Trenton, Ontario. During Operation (Op) AEGIS he was deployed to Ali Al Salem Air Base in Kuwait to lead Canada’s CC177 Globemaster III assets during evacuation efforts in Kabul, Afghanistan. As the CC177 Detachment Commander, Maj McGregor oversaw the employment of three CC177 Globemaster III aircraft, five flying crews, and a team of ground personnel supporting maintenance and operational tasks. As a pilot and Aircraft Commander, Maj McGregor personally evacuated 1,287 Afghan personnel and 193 United States Marines from Kabul during Op AEGIS.
Maj McGregor has also served Canada as the Air Task Force Commander for Op BOXTOP, Canada’s resupply mission to Canadian Forces Station
April 13, 2022
Commander Derek Niles
CO, HMCS Prevost
Topic: Commander (Cdr) Niles will discuss his role as Maritime Search and Rescue Coordinator with the Canadian Coast Guard.
Commander (Cdr) Derek Niles joined the Royal Canadian Navy as a Regular Force Naval Warfare Officer in 1996 in London, ON under the Regular Officer Training Program. Graduating from the Royal Military College of Canada in 2000 (Mechanical Engineering), then after completing Naval Warfare Officer training with distinction in 2001, he became a member of the Fleet, joining his first operational ship, Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship CALGARY on the West Coast.
With his Bridge Watchkeeping Certificate and Naval Officer Professional Qualification in 2003 he was deployed to Operation APOLLO in the Arabian Gulf as CALGARY’s Boarding Officer. On returning from deployment, he was subsequently posted to Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship TORONTO on the East Coast.
He re-enrolled in the Naval Reserve with Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship PREVOST in 2010 and in 2012, was awarded his ORCA Class Patrol Vessel Command endorsement. Since then, he has participated in many ORCA deployments and has held all Head of Department positions, including the Executive Officer appointment, at PREVOST prior to his assumption of Command in June 2019.
In addition to his RCN experience, Cdr Niles has been a Maritime Search and Rescue Coordinator with the Canadian Coast Guard, has experience managing training for the Ontario Division of the RCMP, holds a commercial Transport Canada Certificate of Competency as Master, and operates a specialized marine services business in the Great Lakes. He currently resides in St. Thomas, Ontario with his wife, Misty and two sons, Josh and Cameron.
May 11, 2022
Dr. Jordan Banninga
Manager of the Infectious Disease Control
Jordan Banninga is the Manager of the Infectious Disease Control which is responsible for preventing the spread of infectious diseases in our community. He has led the team and their response throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to his leadership of this team he lead planning and evaluation and project teams and has experience in health promotion. He has a Master of Science in Public Health from the London School Health Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and a Bachelor of Science from Cornell University.
September 14, 2022
Major Hugh Purdon
Brigade Operations Officer (G3)
In 2021 Major Hugh Purdon deployed to Ukraine with Roto 11 as the Liaison officer to the National Guard of Ukraine. When Russian backed troops entered Ukraine in 2014 a multinational effort was initiated to provide training for Ukrainian soldiers. The training focused on basic soldiering skills and common infantry maneuvers. Canadian advisors along with others were employed to instruct Ukrainian troops. This training has armed the Ukrainian soldier with in-ranks competencies for a much more capable and professional force. The overall plan was designed to empower Ukrainian forces with the skills necessary to defend themselves. Major Purdon will describe his responsibilities and some of his experiences while in Ukraine.
October 12, 2022
Lieutenant Andrew McLaughlin RCN
Lieutenant (Navy) Andrew McLaughlin is a military-media relations professional and a digital humanities practitioner. He serves as a Public Affairs Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces, and is a Research Associate at the Centre for Community Mapping in Waterloo, Ontario. His 2017 Ph.D. Dissertation, “The Media and American Battlefield Correspondence” explores the evolution of war reporting and military-press relations in the United States. Lieutenant McLaughlin will provide details about the activities at 31 CBG over this year.
November 9, 2022
Renée Davis
Renée Davis is the Historian of Military Heritage for the Department of National Defence’s Directorate of History and Heritage. She is the Project Manager for a new book underway regarding the history, customs, traditions, and culture of the Canadian Armed Forces, she is one of the principal researchers for the Canadian Casualty Identification Program, and she manages the Canadian Forces’ War Artists Program. She completed both her Undergrad and Masters degrees at the University of Ottawa in history.
January 11, 2023
John Mombourquette
John is a history teacher and retired administrator at the London District Catholic School Board and Fanshawe College. The son of a Canadian Army/RCAF veteran (1942-1976), John served in the regular navy and was a captain in 4RCR (1976-1994). John has published several articles on local London history, and is a past president of the London & Middlesex Historical Society, a past director on the Museum London board, and current Chair of the Royal Canadian Regiment Museum Board. John and his partner Anna-Marie are in the process of launching their life coaching and equine therapy business.
February 8, 2023
Dr. Els Peeters
Els is an astrophysicist at Western University. She holds an MSc degree in Physics from the Catholic University of Leuven and a European MSc in Astronomy and Astrophysics. She obtained her Ph.D. in Astronomy at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. She then spent several years at the NASA Ames Research Center and the SETI Institute before becoming professor in the department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Western Ontario. Her research focuses on star formation and interstellar gas and dust in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies.
March 8, 2023
Graham Henderson
Our speaker for Wednesday March 8th will be Graham Henderson Chief Executive Officer at the London Chamber of Commerce. Graham is an experienced Strategic Advisor with a demonstrated history of working in the music industry. Skilled in Business Planning, Team Building, Fundraising, Corporate Governance, and Strategic Planning. Strong business development professional with a Bachelor of Laws from University of Toronto. Graham will describe the purpose of the London Chamber of Commerce and describe some of the Chamber’s initiatives that positively influence London’s social and economic landscape.
April 12, 2023
Colonel B. Christopher A. Brown, CD
Commander 31 Canadian Brigade Group
Colonel Chris Brown joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1986 as a Trooper in the Governor General’s Horse Guards (GGHG), and subsequently served in the Army Reserve for his entire career. A graduate of The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina (BA) and the Royal Military College of Canada (MA), he has served in various command and staff positions during his career. This includes operational and training deployments across North America, Europe, Africa and the South Pacific.
Post-Command, Colonel Brown served as a 4th Canadian Division (4 Div) Headquarters Reserve Advisor, working on key projects which included the development of an orientation program for newly appointed Army Reserve Honorary Colonels. As a secondary duty, he was appointed Deputy Director (Reserve) of the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps (2017-2022). Promoted to Colonel in 2018, he transferred to the 5 Div and served as Assistant Chief of Staff. In 2020 he returned to 4 Div as Assistant Chief of Staff.
Outside the Army Reserve, he is an executive with General Dynamics Land Systems. He serves on the Board of Directors for two industry organizations: Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen) and the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI).
May 10, 2023
Lieutenant-Commander Hilario Carlo Amunategui
Commanding Officer, HMCS Moncton
Our speaker for May 10th will be Lieutenant-Commander Hilario Carlo Amunategui, Commanding Officer, HMCS Moncton. Born in Manila, Philippines, Carlo immigrated with his family to Mississauga, Ontario in 1992. He joined the Naval Reserves at HMCS Prevost in 2000 as a Naval Communicator, then became a Naval Warfare Officer in 2002. Upon completing Naval Warfare Officer training, he started his seagoing career as a Bridge Watchkeeper onboard HMCS Moncton (2004-2005). He completed the Fleet Navigating Officer’s course in 2006, then transferred to the regular force in 2007, joining HMCS Toronto, first as a Bridge Watchkeeper (2007-2008), then as the Navigating Officer (2008-2010). Following the Operations Room Officer course, he was appointed as the Operations Officer, then the Combat Officer onboard HMCS Montréal (2015-2016), followed by a brief period with the Commander Canadian Fleet Atlantic Staff and deployment with the Combined Task Force 150 in Bahrain (2016-2017) Carlo has fulfilled staff roles as a navigation instructor, the current operations officer at the Maritime Component Commander’s Staff, and J3 staff at the Canadian Joint Operations Centre. His operational deployments include Operations SEXTANT, ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR, CARRIBE, ARTEMIS, PROJECTION, and GLOBE.
Carlo is a graduate of the Royal Military College with a Bachelor of Arts and a graduate of the Joint Command and Staff Program at the Canadian Forces College. An active athlete, he continues to practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, weight training and cycling. He is enabled and supported by his wonderful wife, Mary-Catherine, and two sons, Vincenzo and Ephraim. Carlo and his family reside in Hammonds Plains, Nova Scotia.
June 14, 2023
Jeff Topping
Executive with McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Limited
Jeff began his career with McDonald's Canada as a member of the crew at the Dundas Street location in London Ontario in 1988 and remained with the company throughout his post-secondary education and then into Restaurant Management training followed by employment at Head Office where his career has spanned the disciplines of Operations, Field Service, Management Training, Real Estate, Construction and Project Management.
Today Jeff leads a talented team of professionals who are focused on growing the McDonald’s brand nationally through new modern, relevant, and contemporary restaurants.
Jeff has made a personal commitment to “serve those who serve” and is very active in multiple communities serving on the Board of Directors for the Naval Association of Canada Nationally and in Toronto.
In addition, he is an active member of the London Garrison Community Council and serves as a Civilian Instructor at RCSCC COURAGEOUS.
He is very proud to be the President and Board of Directors Chair for HMCS HAIDA with a mandate to Preserve, Protect and Promote the legacy of Canada’s most famous warship and flagship of the Royal Canadian Navy.
Jeff resides in London ON, with his wife Debbie and their 3 children.
September 13, 2023
Giorgio Clementi,
President of The International Test Pilots School (ITPS) London.
Giorgio has 34 years of flying experience of which twenty have been in flight testing. He holds a Post Graduate Certificate in Aerospace Engineering from Bristol University in the UK and an Airline Transport Pilot License. He is a Graduate of NTPS 1990, Flight Test Engineer Course. Giorgio’s flight-testing experience as a pilot and flight test engineer spans Fixed-wing and helicopter, civil and military. He has worked as a contractor for several major aircraft manufacturers on Part 23, 25, 27, and 29 certification projects. During these, he has worked with the UK CAA, FOCA, Austro Control, FAA, and Transport Canada. Projects have included Performance and Stability and control flight tests, cockpit workload, (AW-139, 109LUH at Agusta) natural icing flight tests (Embraer-145, Alenia C-27J, IPTN CN-235-200, Diamond DA-42), powerplant and systems certification and avionics systems (Grob G-180Spn).
Contracted by Diamond Aircraft to set up a Flight test department in Canada, he conducted the initial Proof of Concept flight test for the D-Jet Prototype as well as the whole Diamond piston engine line. Giorgio’s military experience includes participating in the flight test of the Mirage IIIBZ upgrade for the South African Air Force and the development and qualification of flight tests of the SA332 Oryx medium helicopter. Subsequent experience includes Stores Certification and Weapons Testing, Navigation Systems, targeting pod, and Laser Warning receiver tests. Giorgio has over 24 years of experience training test pilots and flight test engineers and designing and managing military training programs for customers from around the world. He has flown over 3000 hours on over 60 types. Giorgio is an Associate Fellow of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots and a Senior Member of the Society of Flight Test Engineers.
October 11, 2023
Shawna Chambers,
Division Manager of Stormwater Engineering
City of London.
Shawna Chambers, P.Eng., DPA holds a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Waterloo (Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Options) and a Diploma of Public Administration from Western University. Her 16-year career at the City has focused on the planning and implementation of municipal stormwater, sewer, and wastewater projects. As Division Manager, she focuses on delivering practical and effective stormwater infrastructure programs to benefit both the natural environment and the greater community. Ms. Chambers is committed to sustainability, innovation, and challenging the way “it’s always been done.”

November 8, 2023
Jacinda Gedney,
Veterans Service Team Manager
Veterans Affairs Canada.
Jacinda Gedney is a Veterans Service Team Manager in the London Area Office of Veterans Affairs Canada. A proud graduate of Carleton University with a degree in Anthropology, working with a unique sub set of the population was highly appealing and led to her decision to work at Veterans Affairs for just shy of 15 years.
By focusing on Veterans strengths and their unique resources it has been her pleasure to serve this deserving population. Jacinda has recently received an excellence award for her work within a team to renew case management at VAC.
When Jacinda is not at Veterans Affairs she is a hiking enthusiast who loves spending time in nature.
January 10, 2024
Col Frederick Guénette
Deputy Commander for the 3 Canadian Space Division (3CSD)
Born in Paris, France, and raised in Buckingham, QC, Col Guénette joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1996. Graduating from the Royal Military College of Canada with a Bachelor of Computer Science, he subsequently received his pilot’s wings and was posted to 430 Tactical Helicopter Squadron, Valcartier, flying the CH146 Griffon.
Posted to 450 Tactical Helicopter Squadron, Petawawa, he provided support to the development of the nascent CH147F Chinook capability while serving as Operations Officer and Flight Commander.
Col Guénette was then assigned to the United States Air Force Air Command and Staff College (ACSC) in Montgomery, Alabama, as a student, and remained for an additional two years as a Deputy Course Director, mentor, and instructor; teaching courses to joint and multi-national field grade officers, as well as civilians.
Following this assignment, Col Guénette was entrusted with the command of 403 Helicopter Operational Training Squadron, Gagetown.
He most recently took on the responsibilities of Deputy Commander for the 3 Canadian Space Division, Ottawa.
Col Guénette is a Distinguished Graduate of the United States Air Force (USAF) Air Command and Staff College, and completed the USAF Air War College Program at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama. He holds a Master of Military Operational Art and Science from the USAF Air University.
On the home front, Col Guénette is extremely proud of the incredible strength, adaptability, and resilience of his children, and is eternally grateful for the unconditional support of his amazing wife, to whom he gives all the credit.
February 14, 2024
Constable Jeffrey Hare (OPP)
Media Relations/Community Safety Officer
Middlesex County
Prior to policing Constable Hare played 2 years professional hockey, the first in Sweden, the second in Port Huron Michigan. He latter attended UWO and played 3 years with the varsity hockey team, where they won the National Championship in his final year. Constable Hare graduated from UWO with a degree in Sociology.
Upon graduation Constable Hare attended the Ontario Police College in Aylmer. He was assigned to the Ingersoll detachment in Oxford County in 2014. After two years in Oxford County, he transferred to the Strathroy detachment in Middlesex County.
In 2021, Constable Hare successfully obtained the position of Media Relations/Community Safety Officer in Middlesex County, where he provides Community Safety messaging and presentations, engaging youth and satisfying media requests both proactively and reactively.
March 13, 2024
Lieutenant-Colonel David E. Meehan CD
Assistant Chief of Staff 31 Canadian Brigade Group
Topic: LCol Meehan intends to speak to the current priorities of Reconstitution and Readiness. This will include a synopsis of where 31 CBG has succeeded this year, particularly in the area of Recruiting.
Lieutenant-Colonel David Meehan was born in Scotland and immigrated to Canada in 1967. LCol Meehan first became involved with the military in 1980 when he joined the Royal Canadian Air Cadets where he earned his glider pilot’s wings and rose to the rank of Warrant Officer 1st Class. In 1983 he joined the 56th Field Regiment Royal Canadian Artillery (56 FD RCA). In 1987 after graduating phase training at CFB Gagetown he left the Army and joined the Airforce as a pilot. Two years later LCol Meehan returned to the Army and the 56th field Regiment. Over the years, with the Regiment, LCol Meehan rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and became the Commanding Officer from May, 2008 to June, 2012. During his term as CO he was able to deploy and was a key member of a Technical Assistance Visit supporting Exercise PANSHIR LION, the final exercise of the Afghan National Army Junior Officer Command and Staff Course.
Currently, LCol Meehan is the Assistant Chief of Staff for 31 Canadian Brigade Group overseeing recruiting and individual training. In the past LCol Meehan has had the honour of Commanding 56 Field Regiment RCA, 31 and 32 Canadian Brigade Group Battle Schools, the Grey and Simcoe Foresters, and for a short time 32 Combat Engineer Regiment. LCol Meehan is now looking forward to assuming Command of the 31st Service Battalion. He has spent time at 4 Division HQ as Senior Staff Officer for Ontario and as Deputy Director Artillery Reserves for Canada.
LCol Meehan retired from the Burlington Fire Department where he had been employed since 1997. LCol Meehan currently resides in London with his wife Carrie.
April 10, 2024
Master Sailor Dustin Hare
Divisional Petty Officer, HMCS Prevost
Topic: The Fairmile B Motor Launch vessels contribution to Canadian Coastal Defense, and their Navy Reserve Crews. The Fairmile B vessels played a significant role in anti-submarine warfare and sea denial.
Master Sailor Dustin Hare attended Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology studying General Carpentry, obtaining his Red Seal qualification in 2013. He enrolled in the Naval Reserve at HMCS Prevost, London Ontario in 2018. Completing his trade training and he graduated as an Operator in 2021. He currently serves as a Divisional Petty Officer at HMCS Prevost. MS Hare has delivered historical briefs for the RCN and is active in researching the history record of the RN/RCN in southwestern Ontario. MS Hare is currently employed as a Carpenters’ Union Business Representative, representing workers in labour relations. He actively works with Helmet’s to Hardhats, supporting veterans in the workplace. MS Hare spends his free time volunteering with the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary, having participated in multiple maritime search and rescue taskings on the Great Lakes.
May 8, 2024
Aaron Rozentals, P.Eng,
Division Manager of Water Engineering
City of London
Aaron is responsible for managing the drinking water assets of the City of London including infrastructure renewal, development review, billing, conservation, and outreach.
Aaron is a graduate of Western University in Civil Engineering and has worked for the City of London in various capacities since 2007. He lives in London with his wife and three children.
June 12, 2024
Shekhar Gothi
Canadian Corps of Commissionaires
He will present information about the ways in which Commissionaires support serving and past-serving members of the CAF, both Regular and Reserves.
Shekhar Gothi joined the senior management team of Commissionaires Great Lakes in March 2024 as Vice President, Partnerships. Reporting to the Chief Corporate Affairs Officer, Shekhar leads strategic engagement and partnerships with all levels of government and industry.
Shekhar joined Commissionaires following a 33-year career in the Royal Canadian Navy that included senior appointments both at sea and ashore. He deployed on two United Nations peacekeeping missions, first to Sudan in 2008 and then to Haiti in 2009-2010, commanded HMCS STAR, and most recently served as Innovation Director for the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM).
He serves in a volunteer capacity as Chief Aide-de-Camp to the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, overseeing a team of 65 Aides and volunteers throughout the province.
A graduate of the Joint Command and Staff Programme at the Canadian Forces College, Shekhar also holds baccalaureate degrees in business administration and political science, and an MBA. In 2019 he completed the Singularity University Executive Program.
September 11, 2024
LCol (retired) Chris Thompson
Chris will discuss an Historic Review of Yemen, the Rise of the Houthi's, the initial war between Saudi Arabia/UAE and the Houthi's, and the approaches to the Suez Canal. Yemen and the Houthis Impact on Region and World.
Chris Thompson is a retired Armoured Officer who started his career in the ranks and retired as a LCol who had commanded the 1st Hussars. Chris has a BA from Western University.
Chris also had a career in the Defence Industry working with General Motors Defence and General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS) along with other companies. In his final years before retiring from GDLS he was a Business Development Lead located in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), serving the Arabian Peninsula (Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Oman as well as KSA).
His experiences included, but were not limited to:
- Staff Officer in the Director of Staff Cell of the Headquarters of the stand up of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF).
- Guest Lecturer at the Australian Technical Staff Course for three years.
- UNDOF Peacekeeping in the Golan Heights.
- Coordinated and led several vehicle and weapon trial teams in Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, and the United States.
- Provided Logistic and Operational support to the Australian Light Armoured Vehicle fleet while posted to Adelaide, Australia.
- Supported Battle Damage Repair activities for the Saudi Arabian National Guard and the Royal Saudi Land Forces armoured vehicle fleets resulting from operations in Yemen.
- Awarded two Presidential Awards for Excellence from GDLS.
- Completed Saint Francis Xavier Adult Education certification.
October 9, 2024
Stan Skrzeszewski,
Historian for the Polish Combatants Assoc. Branch #2
Stan is a leading expert on Polish contributions to Allied victory in WWII. His presentation will concentrate on Polish-Canadian ties. At least 400 survivors of General Anders (Polish 2nd Corps) Army soldiers and civilians landed in London, Ontario after the war. This is their story along with some very personal references from his father’s unique story.
Stan was born to a Polish soldier and a Scottish mother who had both directly experienced WWII and who often discussed history, although they usually had opposing interpretations. Thus began Stan’s life-long interest in history and WWII. Stan’s life really began at university where he graduated with a BA in philosophy and literature and with a Master of Library Science. He went on to work in public libraries and then morphed into a management consultant specializing in Internet strategies.
Taking an early retirement Stan returned to university and completed an MA in philosophy. As a philosopher, he organized a long-running series of philosopher cafes – open discussions on varying topics. He also decided to become a writer and focused on poetry and history, before branching out into plays and short stories.
Stan also serves as curator and chief researcher for the Orliński Museum in Mississauga, Ontario. As a historian, Stan focuses on a Polish-Canadian perspective bringing a unique lens to how this history is presented. He also specializes in presenting the stories of Polish veterans who decided to make Canada their home after WWII.
Stan is married to Jantina and has two children. Mary Anne is an artist and horticulturalist. Michael is an outdoorsman and renovator living in British Columbia.
November 13, 2024
Captain(N) S.W.P. Batte, OMM, CD,
Special Advisor to Director General Strategic Naval Readiness
Topic: RIMPAC ‘A first hand look at the largest maritime exercise in the world.’
Intrigued by the idea of serving his country and sailing on the high seas, Capt(N) Sean Batte joined the Naval Reserve in London ON while pursuing his undergraduate studies. Sean joined HMCS Prevost in January, 1990 as a Maritime Surface Officer and the adventure began. While at the University of Western Ontario, he earned money for school and got his wish. He earned his Bridge Watch-keeping Certificate, and over the coming years sailed in numerous Gate Vessels, Minesweeper Auxiliaries and Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels. He was among the first to qualify in Mine Countermeasures as well as Coastal Operations, and subsequently taught at the Naval Officer Training Centre VENTURE, and Canadian Forces Fleet School Quebec. In 2009, he earned his Patrol Craft Training Officer In Charge designation, the fourth part time reservist to do so. The adventure continued when he sailed as OIC of all eight ships in that class. Prior to completing his Command Part One in 2011, Capt(N) Batte served as Executive Officer (XO) in HMCS PREVOST and then at sea as XO of two MCDVs.
Concurrently with his Naval Service, he earned four degrees, culminating with a Master’s in Medical Biophysics at Western University and a Doctor of Chiropractic in St. Louis. Dr. Batte opened his own clinic in 2001, and has cared for families in London as well as amateur, professional and Olympic athletes. In his spare time, Dr. Batte volunteered at London’s Salvation Army Centre of Hope clinic, enjoys high performance driving and travelling. He is married to his wife (who served in the RCN for 25 years) and welcomed their daughter to their home in May of 2014.
January 8, 2025
Jonathan F. Vance
Professor of History at Western University
Topic - You've Got Mail: Rediscovering the Postcards of the First World War
For soldiers and their families, the mail was a lifeline that allowed them to keep in touch and to imagine a time when things would return to normal. Over a century later, we can use the postcards they sent to make a connection with the past and the world they inhabited.